
Healthcare facilities are under increasing strain to deliver higher service levels and the technology used to deliver effective healthcare has never been more important.

GV has proudly worked with the NHS for many years, delivering a range of well-matched AV solutions to assist in day-to-day operations. Our installed technology provides the supportive tools that staff need for
best efficiency and user experience.

Providing AV facilities within the UK's teaching hospitals for future healthcare professionals.

We have carried out many innovative projects within medical and dental schools that include training rooms, lecture theatres and bespoke solutions for the likes of phantom heads labs (Dental).

You can purchase healthcare solutions via our position on the NHS Framework.

AV Solutions to enhance efficiency

Facility management is also essential and GV provides bed management solutions,
digital signage, display boards and wayfinding to help facilitate the smooth running
of a medical establishment.

AV is a powerful tool to facilitate remote meetings with patients and practitioners and
GV excels in such communicative environments. We are proud to provide quality AV solutions to the NHS.


What our clients say.

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Get inspired and download our Bright Ideas guide with over 100 pages of the latest cutting-edge AV technology.

WiFi recommended.

Partners and relationships

The GV team brings with it access to our renowned network of industry-leading brands, ensuring every customer has access to the sharpest and latest advances in the AV marketplace. Technology moves quickly, so through our partners we aim to develop future-proof systems that draw on the latest technologies while being able to stand the test of time.

Big Brands