Kristian Cutting, GV Multimedia's Joint Managing Director, added:

GVAV is delighted to have achieved ISO27001, the Information, Management and Security standard. We add this to our long standing ISO9001 Quality certification and ISO14001 Environmental Management Standards certification that help form the way we do business and maintain best practice.
ISO27001 is an independently audited standard that takes into account the widest range of operational, resilience and data security standards across our business. We are delighted to have been audited by the NQA to ensure we meet the high standards required for us to become ISO27001 certified.
Thanks to our existing robust processes and practices, and a team we believe to be unrivalled in the industry, we achieved ISO27001 accreditation in an impressively short period since committing to implementing the standard formally.
We are delighted to have been successful in attaining ISO 27001 at a time when remote working and business resilience is so vitally important. This standard independently reinforces our capabilities to be able to securely deliver Audio Visual Solutions and Services to our customers even at these challenging and potentially most disrupting of times.

Serious about security.
ISO27001 is an internationally recognised best practice standard for a data security management system designed to help identify the risks to the data in question. It helps to ensure that appropriate controls are in place to help mitigate such risks. GV is committed to demonstrating our ability to identify and manage any risks to our data and applying appropriate processes and technologies to manage these for the security if our business and peace of mind of our customers.
This audited certification is testament to the quality of our people, processes, systems and 45 years of continued service to our industry. Attaining ISO27001 is a great recognition of our quality and commitment.