Meeting rooms
Accessible, immersive and collaborative AV solutions.
AV is evolving as quickly as the business landscape and new technology empowers colleagues and clients to collaborate virtually from around
the world in new ways, previously not thought possible.
Effective collaboration, discussion, and productivity are key to creating a functional meeting space. AV transforms a meeting room into a hub of innavitive solutions and ground-breaking ideas, empowering your staff to deliver their potential.
We create virtual and physical meeting spaces to respond to the increasing need for effective remote access and colleaborative working.

Bespoke solutions that work around your needs
Meeting space technology needs to just work!
We create professional meeting spaces and virtual rooms that deliver quality, efficiency and productivity.
With interactive flexible display solutions such as Microsoft Surface Hub, we create immersive meeting experiences for your staff and delegates.
Intuitive control systems and room booking technology ensure that the meeting room experience for the user is seamless and room availability is always known.
What our clients say.

Get inspired and download our Bright Ideas guide with over 100 pages of the latest cutting-edge AV technology.
WiFi recommended.
Partners and relationships
The GV team brings with it access to our renowned network of industry-leading brands, ensuring every customer has access to the sharpest and latest advances in the AV marketplace. Technology moves quickly, so through our partners we aim to develop future-proof systems that draw on the latest technologies while being able to stand the test of time.